


高雄醫學院醫學系醫學士 (1965-1972) 日本東京大學醫學部醫學博士 (1975-1980)  


高雄醫學院附設中和紀念醫院皮膚科住院醫師 (1973-1975)

日本東京大學附屬病院皮膚科研習醫,醫員 (1976-81)

高雄醫學院皮膚學科副教授 (1981-1985)

洛克斐勒大學研究皮膚科學實驗室NIH Fogarty 研究員 (1984-86)

高雄醫學院/高雄醫學大學皮膚學科主任暨附設中和紀念醫院皮膚科主任 (1985-2000) 高雄醫學院/高雄醫學大學皮膚學科教授 (1985-2003)

台灣皮膚科醫學會理事長 (1986-88/2003-06)

高雄醫學院醫學技術學系主任,實驗診斷學主任 附設中和紀念醫院檢驗科主任 (1986-1988) 高雄醫學院醫學系及學士後醫學系主任 (1989-1992) 高雄醫學院/高雄醫學大學醫學研究所所長,博士班主任 (1991-2000) 高雄醫學院/高雄醫學大學職業安全衛生研究所所長 (1996-2000) 行政院國科會「耳鼻喉科、眼科、皮膚科、整型外科」學門召集人 (1998-2001) 高雄醫學大學健康科學院院長 (2000/1-7) 台灣皮膚科醫學會理事長 (2003-2006) 教育部顧問室顧問 (2003-2006) 國立台灣大學醫學院皮膚學科教授 (2003-2006) 國立台灣大學醫學院皮膚學科主任 (2004-2006)

台灣研究皮膚科醫學會創會理事長 (2006-2009)

高雄醫學大學校長 (2006-2012)

國家衛生研究院董事 (2007-2014) 國家實驗研究院董事 (2009-2012) 總統科學奬委員會委員 (2010-2011) 國科會外科II學門召集人 (2010-2011) 國家生技醫藥國家型計畫醫療器材組召集人 (2013-迄今)



國家衛生研究院特聘研究員暨副院長 (2014-迄今)

高雄醫學大學醫學院皮膚學科暨臨床醫學研究所講座教授 (2012-迄今)     





台灣醫師公會聯合會科學振興獎 (1983) 美國國家衛生院 (National Institutes of Health) Fogarty 研究員獎學金 (1984-1986) 國科會優等獎 (19871988199119931994     ) 西日本皮膚科期刊推薦為世界皮膚科學者 (1992) 高雄醫學院傑出校友 (1995) 國科會學術傑出獎 (2000-2001) 國科會學術傑出獎 (2004-2006) 日本皮膚科學會榮譽會員 (2008) 教育部環境醫學卓越研究中心總主持人 (2008-2010) 國科會傑出學者研究計畫奬勵 (2008-2011) 103屆臺灣醫學會學術演講奬2010) 德國皮膚科學會榮譽會員 (2011) 國際皮膚科醫學會聯盟 (ILDS) 終身成就奬 (2014)


(1)    闡明皮膚砷癌致病及惡性化進展之分子作用機轉;

(2)    解明光線療法於黑色素細胞再生之調控機轉。




國家衛生研究院 苗栗縣竹南鎮科研路35






(A) 期刊論文(Refereed Paper – As of 2011)

1.       Lan CC, Tu HP, Lee CH, Wu CS, Ko YC, Yu HS, Lu YW, Li WC, Chen GS. (2011) Hand dermatitis among university hospital nursing staff with or without atopic eczema: assessment of risk factors. Contact Dermatitis 64: 73-79.

2.       CCE. Lan, CS Wu, GS Chen, HS Yu* (2011) FK506 (tacrolimus) and endothelin combined treatment induces mobility of melanoblasts: new insights into follicular vitiligo repigmentation induced by topical tacrolimus on sun-exposed skin. Brit J Dermatol 164:490-496.

3.       CH Lee, HY Chuang, CH Hong, SK Huang, YC Chang, YC Ko, HS Yu.* (2011) Lifetime exposure to cigarette smoking and the development of adult-onset atopic dermatitis. Brit J Dermatol 164:483-489.

4.       Pin-Chen Yang, Cheng-Fang Yen, Tze-Chun Tang, Cheng-Sheng Chen, Rei-Cheng Yang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Yuh-Jyh Jomg, Hsin-Su Yu (2011) Posttraumatic stress disorder in adolescents after Typhoon Morakot-associated mudslides. J Anxiety Disord 25:362-368.

5.       Chih-Hung Lee, Shi-Bei Wu, Chien-Hui Hong, Wei-Ting Liao, Ching-Ying Wu, Gwo-Shing Chen, Yau-Hui Wei*, Hsin-Su Yu* (2011) Aberrant cell proliferation by enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis through mtTFA in arsenical skin cancers . Am J Pathol 178:2066-2076.

6.       W-T Yu, H-S Yu, C-S Wu, C-H Lee, Y-C Cheng, W-T Lin, G-S Chen, C-C.E Lan (2011) Noninvasive cutaneous blood flow as a response predictor for visible light therapy on segmental vitiligo: a prospective pilot study. Brit J Dermatol 164:759-764.

7.       Cheng-Che Eric Lan, Chih-Hung Lee, Hsin-Su Yu* (2011) Concentration- dependent cellular responses of arsenic in keratinocytes. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 27: 390-395.

8.       Chih-Hung Lee, Wei-Ting Liao, Hsin-Su Yu* (2011) Aberrant immune responses in arsenical skin cancers. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 27: 396-401.

9.       Cheng-Che E. Lan, Hsin-Su Yu, Ying-Chin Ko (2011) Chronic arsenic exposure and its adverse health effects in Taiwan: a paradigm for management of a global environmental problem. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 27: 411-416.

10.    Cheng-Che E. Lan, Hung-Pin Tu, Ching-Shuang Wu, Ying-Chin Ko, Hsin-Su Yu, Yi-Wei Lu, Wan-Chan Li, Yin-Chun Chen, Gwo-Shing Chen (2011) Distinct SPINK5 and IL-31 polymorphisms are associated with atopic eczema and non-atopic hand dermatitis in Taiwanese nursing population. Exp Dermatol 20:975-979.

11.    Hsu YL, Yu HS, Lin HC, Wu KY, Yang RC, Kuo PL (2011) Heat shock induces apoptosis through reactive oxygen species involving mitochondrial and death receptor pathways in corneal cells. Exp Eye Res 93:405-412.

12.    Cheng-Sheng Chen, Chung-Ping Cheng, Cheng-Fang Yen, Tze-Chun Tang, Pinchen Yang, Rei-Cheng Yang, Ming-Shyan Huang, Yuh-Jyh Jong,  Hsin-Su Yu (2011) Validation of the impact of event scale-revised for adolescents experiencing the floods and mudslides. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 27: 560-565.

13.    Chen YC, Tu HP, Wu CS, Ko YC, Yu HS, Lu YW, Li WC, Chen GS, Lan CC (2012) Association between non-atopic hand eczema and interleukin-13 gene polymorphism in Taiwanese nursing population. Exp Dermatol 21:972-974.

14.    Lan CC, Ko YC, Yu HS, Wu CS, Li WC, Lu YW, Chen YC, Chin YY, Yang YH, Chen GS (2012) Methotrexate reduces the occurrence of cerebrovascular events among Taiwanese psoriatic patients: a nationwide population-based study. Acta Derm Venereol 92:349-352.

15.    Lee CH, Hong CH, Yu CL, Wang LF, Clausen BE, Liao WT, Huang SK, Chen GS, Yu HS* (2012) Arsenic mobilizes Langerhans cell migration and induces Th1 response in epicutaneous protein sensitization via CCL21: a plausible cause of decreased Langerhans cells in arsenic-induced intraepithelial carcinoma. Biochem Pharmacol 83:1290-1299.

16.    Wu CS, Lan CC, Yu HS * (2012) Narrow-band UVB irradiation stimulates the migration and functional development of vitiligo-IgG antibodies-treated pigment cells. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol  26: 456-464.

17.    Cheng-Che E. Lan, Shi-Bei Wu, Ching-Shuang Wu, Yi-Chun Shen, Tzu-Ying Chiang, Yau-Huei Wei, Hsin-Su Yu* (2012) Induction of primitive pigment cell differentiation by visible light (Helium-Neon laser): a photoacceptor specific response not replicable by UVB irradiation. J Mol Med 90:321-330.

18.    Lan CC, Ko YC, Yu HS, Li WC, Wu CS, Lu YW, Yang YH, Chen GS (2012) Psoriatic patients with diabetes are prone to develop digestive organ cancers: A population-based study in Taiwan. J Dermatol Sci 68:82-88.

19.    Lee, CH, Hong, CH, Yu, WT, Chuang, HY, Huang, SK, Chen, GS, Yoshioka, T, Sakata, M, Liao, WT, Ko, YC, Yu, HS* (2012) Mechanistic correlations between two itch biomarkers, cytokine interleukin-31 and neuropeptide β-endorphin, via STAT3/calcium axis in atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermatol 167:794-803.

20.    Hong, CH, Yu, H.S., Ko, YC, Chang, WC, Chuang, HY, Chen, GS, Lee, CH (2012) Functional regulation of interleukin-31 production by its genetic polymorphism in patients with extrinsic atopic dermatitis. Acta Derm Venereol 92:430-432.

21.    Chang, WC, Lee, CH, Hirota, T, Wang, LF, Doi, S, Miyatake, A, Enomoto, T, Tomita, K, Sakashita, M, Yamada, T, Fujieda, S, Ebe, K, Saeki, H, Takeuchi, S, Furue, M, Chen, WC, Chiu, YC, Chang, WP, Hong, CH, Hsi, E, Juo, SH, Yu, HS, Nakamura, Y, Tamari, M (2012) ORAI1 genetic polymorphisms associated with the susceptibility of atopic dermatitis in Japanese and Taiwanese populations. PLoS ONE 7:e29387.

22.    WL Hsu, MH Tsai, MW Lin, YC Chiu, JH Lu, CH Chang, HS Yu, T Yoshioka (2012) Differential effects of arsenic on calcium signaling in primary keratinocytes and malignant (HSC-1) cells. Cell Calcium 52:161-169.

23.    Suen JL, Hung CH, Yu HS, Huang SK. (2012) Alkylphenols–potential modulators of the allergic response. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 28:S43-48.

24.    Liu XP, Huang YC, Hung WC, Chen WT, Yu HS, Chai CY (2012) Sodium arsenite-induced abnormalities in expressions of Caveolin-1, eNOS, IKKβ, and COX-2 in SV-40 immortalized human uroepithelial cells and in urothelial carcinomas. Toxicol In Vitro 26:1098-1105.

25.    Lin CC, Chou CH, Lin TC, Yang MC, Cho CL, Chang CH, Yu HS, Lai CH, Chen LK, Hong YR. (2012) Molecular characterization of three major outer membrane proteins, TSA56, TSA47 and TSA22, in Orientia tsutsugamushi. Int J Mol Med 30:75-84.

26.    Su YS, Yu HS, Li WC, Ko YC, Chen GS, Wu CS, Lu YW, Yang YH, Lan CC (2013) Psoriasis as initiator or amplifier of the systemic inflammatory march: impact on development of severe vascular events and implications for treatment strategy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 27:876-883.

27.    Tsai MJ, Hsu YL, Wu KY, Yang RC, Chen YJ, Yu HS, Kuo PL (2013) Heat effect induces production of inflammatory cytokines through heat shock protein 90 pathway in cornea cells. Curr Eye Res 38:464-471.

28.    Hu CS, Lin CL, Lu YW, Chen GW, Yu HS, Wu CS, Lan CC (2013) Lymphopenia, anti-Ro/anti-RNP autoantibodies, renal involvement and cyclophosphamide use correlate with increased risk of herpes zoster in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Acta Derm Venereol 93:314-318.

29.    Lee, CH, Wu, SB, Hong, CH, Chen, GS, Wei, YH*, Yu, HS* (2013) Involvement of mitochondrial DNA damage elicited by oxidative stress in the arsenical skin cancers.  J Invest Dermatol 133:1890-1900.

30.    Cheng-Che E. Lan, Hsin-Su Yu*, Jian-He Lu, Ching-Shuang Wu, Hsiao-Chi Lai. (2013) Irradiance, but not fluence, plays a crucial role in UVB-induced immature pigment cell development: New insights for efficient UVB phototherapy. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 26:367-376.

31.    Lee, CH, Wu SB, Hong, CH, Yu, H.S., Wei, YH (2013) Molecular mechanisms of UV-induced apoptosis and its effects on skin residential cells: The implication in UV-based phototherapy. Int J Med Sci 14:6414-6435.

32.    C-C E. Lan, C-S Wu, H-S Yu* (2013) Solar-stimulated radiation and heat treatment induced metalloproteinase-1 expression in cultured dermal fibroblasts via distinct pathways: Implications on reduction of sun-associated aging. J Dermatol Sci 72:290-295.        

33.    Wu CS, Komine M, Fujimoto S, Ohmatsu H, Kikuchi K, Tada Y, Yu HS, Ohtsuki M, Tamaki K. (2013) Reagents inducing epidermal proliferation also induce pigmentation: induction of keratinocyte proliferation as a novel strategy for the treatment of vitiligo. J Dermatol Sci 72:66-68.

34.    Huang YC, Hung WC, Chen WT, Yu HS, Chai CY. (2013) Expression of WWOX and FHIT is downregulated by exposure to arsenite in human uroepithelial cells. Toxicol Lett 220:118-125.

35.    Chen YC, Wu CS, Lu YW, Li WC, Ko YC, Yu HS, Chen GS, Lan CC. (2013) Atopic dermatitis and non-atopic hand eczema have similar negative impacts on quality of life: implications for clinical significance. Acta Derm Venereol 93:749-750.

36.    Lan CC, Yu HS, Li WC, Ko YC, Wu CS, Lu YW, Yang YH, Chen GS. (2013) Anxiety contributes to the development of cerebrovascular disease in Taiwanese patients with psoriasis: a population-based study. Eur J Dermatol 23:290-292.

37.    Chin YY, Yu HS, Li WC, Ko YC, Chen GS, Wu CS, Lu YW, Yang YH, Lan CC (2013) Arthritis as an important determinant for psoriatic patients to develop severe vascular events in Taiwan: A nation-wide study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 27:1262-1268.

38.    Yu, WT, Chiu, YC, Lee, CH, Yoshioka, T, Yu, HS (2013) Hydrogen-enriched water restoration of impaired calcium propagation by arsenic in primary keratinocytes. J Asian Earth Sci 77:342-348.

39.    Hung CH, Yang SN, Wang YF, Liao WT, Kuo PL, Tsai EM, Lee CL, Chao YS, Yu HS, Huang SK, Suen JL. (2013) Environmental alkylphenols modulate cytokine expression in plasmacytoid dendritic cells. PLoS One. 2013 Sep 11;8(9):e73534. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073534.

40.    Tsai, TF, Yao, CA, Yu, HS, Lan, CC, Chao, SC, Yang, KC, Chen, CY, White, RR, Psaradellis, E, Rampakakis, E, Kawai, K, Acosta, CJ, Sampalis, JS. (2014) Herpes zoster-associated severity and duration of pain, health-related quality of life, and healthcare utilization in Taiwan: a prospective observational study. Int J Dermatol (DOI: 10.1111/ijd.12484).

41.    Hu, S.C., Lin, C.L., Hong, C.H., Yu, H.S., Chen, G.S., Lee, C.H. (2014) CCR7 expression correlates with subcutaneous involvement in mycosis fungoides skin lesions and promotes migration of mycosis fungoides cells (MyLa) through mTOR activation. J Dermatol Sci 74: 31-38.

42.    Hu CS, Yu HS, Yen FL, Chen GS, Lan CC (2014) CXCR7 expression correlates with tumor depth in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma skin lesions and promotes tumor cell survival through ERK activation. Exp Dermatol 12:902-908.

43.    Hong, C.H., Lee, C.H., Chen, G.S., Yu, H.S.* (2015) STAT3-dependent VEGF production from keratinocytes abrogates dendritic cell activation and migration by arsenic: a plausible regional mechanism of immunosuppression in arsenical cancers.  Chemico-Biological Interactions 227: 96-103.

44.    Cheng-Che E. Lan , Pei-Yun Ho, Ching-Shuang Wu, Rei-Cheng Yang, Hsin-Su Yu *. (2015)  LED 590 nm photomodulation reduces UVA-induced metalloproteinase-1 expression via upregulation of antioxidant enzyme catalase. J Dermatol Sci 78:125-132.

45.    Hong, C.H., Chang, K.L., Wang, H.J., Yu, H.S*. (2015) IL-9 induces IL-8 production via STIM1 activation and ERK phosphorylation in epidermal keratinocytes: a plausible mechanism of IL-9R in atopic dermatitis.  J Dermatol Sci 78:206-214.

46.    Ya-Chun Huang, Hsin-Su Yu and Chee-Yin Chai. (2015) Proteins in the ERK pathway are affected by arsenic-treated cells. Toxicol. Res. 4:1545–1554.

47.    Ya-Chun Huang, Hsin-Su Yu and Chee-Yin Chai. (2015) Roles of oxidative stress and the ERK1/2, PTEN and p70S6K signaling pathways in arsenite-induced autophagy. Toxicology Letters 239:172181

48.    Wu CY, Asano Y, Taniguchi T, Sato S, Yu HS. (2015) Serum heparanase levels: A protective marker against digital ulcers in patients with systemic sclerosis. J Dermatol. (accepted)

49.    CH Lee, LPS Lai, YP Lu, HY Chen, CY Chai, RK Tsai, KT Fang, MH Tsai, CC Hung, DC Wu, HS Yu, CH Chang, DP Tsai. (2015) Real-time vascular imaging and photodynamic therapy efficacy with micelle-nanocarrier facilitate the delivery of chlorine to the microenvironment of melanoma. J Dermatol Sci. (accepted)

50.    Wu CY, Asano Y, Taniguchi T, Sato S, Yu HS. (2015) Serum level of circulating syndecan-1: a possible association with proliferative vasculopathy in systemic sclerosis. J Dermatol. (accepted)

51.    Wu CS, Tsao DA, Yu HS, Chang HR. (2015) Beta2-adrenergic receptor agonist inhibits keratinocyte proliferation by mechanisms involving nitric oxide. (submitted) 

52.    Liao WT, You HL, E Lan CC,  Lee CH, Yu CL, Chang SJ, Yu HS*. (2015) Cyclin D1 promoter-56 and -54 bpCpG un-methylation predicts invasive progression in arsenic-induced Bowen’s disease. (submitted)

53.    WT Liao, JH Lu, CC Lan, CH Lee, JG Chang, CL Yu, HS Yu*. (2015) A synergism between arsenic-induced epigenetic modification and inflammatory promotion in a human skin equivalent during carcinogenesis. (submitted)

54.    Liao WTHung CH, Liang SS, Chiou SH, Yang RC, Yu HS*. (2015) Near-infrared radiation induces immunosuppressive M2 macrophage polarization via epigenetic regulation of the mitochondrial citrate synthase gene. (submitted)

* Corresponding Author

(B) 研討會論文(Conference Paper – As of 2011 – 僅列受邀國際研討會)

1.       UVB phototherapy in regenerative medicine: vitiligo as a research model, the International Medical Meeting (IMM), Riga, Latvia, September 7-9, 2012.

2.       Phototherapy in vitiligo: Molecular mechanisms revisited, the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Dermatological Association, Kyoto, Japan, June 1-3, 2012.

3.       Phototherapy in vitiligo. Molecular mechanisms revisited, the 9th Asia Joint and 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Biomedical Research, Kaohsiung, June 28-29, 2012.

4.       Visible light therapy in regenerative medicine, the 31st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Clinical Dermatologic Surgury, Kaohsiung, Febrary 1-2, 2013.

5.       Translational research of photo-regenerative therapy in Taiwan: Vitiligo as a research model, translational research informatics center, Kobe, Japan, Februry 14, 2014.

6.       Translational research in UVB phototherapy: pigment cell development as a model, National Institute of Enviromental Health Sciences, Raleigh-Durham, USA, April 29, 2014.

7.       New experimental model for arsenical carcinogenesis, the 23rd World Congress of Dermatology, Vancouva, Canada, June 8-13, 2015.

8.       Translational research of photo-regenerative therapy in the skin: Vitiligo as a research model, the 7th Asia and Oceania Conference on Photobiology, Taipei, November 15-18, 2015.

(C) 專書及專書章節(Proceedings, Monograph or Book Chapter)

1.       Hsin-Su Yu, Masafumi Iizima, Masako Mizoguchi, Yoshiaki Hori, Yasumasa Ishibashi, Atsushi Kukita. Chemical vitiligo caused by para-tertiary butyl phenol, in Phenotypic Expression in Pigment Cells, ed. by Makoto Seiji, University of Tokyo Press, pp.467-474, Tokyo, 1981.

2.       Yasumasa Ishibashi, Iwao Ando, Hsin-Su Yu, Kuniaki Ohara and Asushi Kukita. Incontinentia pigmenti: A review of 107 cases in the last 10 years in Japan, Biology and Diseases of Dermal Pigmentation, ed. by Thomas B. Fitzpatrick et al., University of Tokyo Press, pp.175-185, Tokyo, 1981.

3.       Hsin-Su Yu, Chung-Hsing Chang, Gwo-Shing Chen, Sen-Ann Yang. Dynamic capillaroscopy-A sensitive non-invasive method for the diagnosis of conditions with pathological microcirculation. Handbook of non-invasive methods and the skin, ed. by Serup J, Jemec GBE, pp.367-370, CRC, Boca Raton, 1995.

4.       余幸司. ヘリンネオンレによる尋常性白斑の治療. 治療最前線,手塚正編集,全日本病院出版會,東京,13-18頁,2000.

5.       Hsin-Su Yu, Chih-Hung Lee, Chung-Hsing Chang. Dynamic capillaroscopy. Handbook of non-invasive methods and the skin, 2nd edition, ed. by Serup J, Jemec GBE, Grove GL,pp.673-678, CRC, Boca Raton, 2006.

6.       Hsin-Su Yu, Cheng-Che E. Lan, Ching-Shuang Wu. Segmental vitiligo : a model for understanding the recapitulation of repigmentation. Vitiligo, ed. by Picardo M, Taïeb A, pp.306-310, Springer, New York, 2010.

7.       Hsin-Su Yu, Wei-Ting Liao. Gallium: Environmental pollution and health effects. Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, ed. by J Nriagu, vol.2, pp. 829-833, Elsevier, London, 2011.

8.       Hsin-Su Yu, Cheng-Che E. Lan.  Phototherapy in regenerative medicine: Vitiligo as a model for investigation. Asian skin and skin diseases, ed. by Hee Chul Eun, Soo-Chan Kim, and Won-Soo Lee , pp.477-480, Medrang Inc, Seoul, 2011.

9.       Hsin-Su Yu, Chih-Hung Lee. Biomarkers for itch and disease severity in atopic dermatitis. Curr Probl Dermatol,  ed. by Shiobara T, vol 41, pp.136-148, Karger, Basel, 2011.